Last night in Santa Monica, CA, the 16-year-long manhunt for South
Boston Irish mob boss James "Whitey" Bulger came to an end. The
81-year-old Bulger was number one on the FBI's most wanted list from
1995 until 9/11/01 for "his role in 19 murders committed from the early
1970s through the mid-1980s in connection with his leadership of an
organized crime group that allegedly controlled extortion, drug deals,
and other illegal activities in the Boston, Massachusetts, area,"
according to the Feds. (For some strange reason, they neglected to
mention the happy alliances between numerous members of said
investigative bureau and the elusive gangster.) The Bulger bust came just
two days after the FBI started running PSAs regarding his longtime
girlfriend, Catherine Grieg, which were aired on daytime TV slots.
to commemorate this, the end of the "Where's Whitey?" era, we dug up
our archives on the legendary Southie gangster; plus, new updates keep rolling in. Read up, pour
yourself a pint of Guinness, and then go watch The Departed.
" 'They finally got the rat': Former Whitey Bulger soldier John 'Red' Shea reacts to Whitey's capture" | By Mike Miliard | June 23 2011
A follow-up on Shea, who talks about and what it's like to see his disgraced former father figure finally taken into custody.
"Was Bulger ad campaign an FBI ploy?" | By Harvey Silverglate | June 23, 2011
"I would not be at all surprised if the feds learned of James 'Whitey' Bulger's location well before the latest ad campaign," writes Silverglate.
"Bug Off" | This Just In | Feb 18, 1986
In which Whitey imparts a valuable lesson about crime surveillance.
"Store Front" | This Just In | January 13, 1987
A South Boston liquor store gets linked to local organized-crime honchos -- including Whitey.
"Howie Carr blows up: As Whitey makes him famous, the Bulger-scribe doesn't have to worry about facts" | By David Boeri | March 16, 2006
Howie Carr writes a book. Who'da thunk?
"Brass balls and cold steel: Whitey Bulger soldiers John 'Red' Shea and Patrick Nee tell their side of the story" | By Mike Miliard | April 5, 2006
Two henchmen's side of the story of crime and punishment, and what it means to not be a fahkin' rat.
"Whitey and Pablo?" | Don't Quote Me | April 28, 2006
A quote so dumb, we might call it a Howie Carr crash.
"Whitey Wash: Scorsese, Damon, and DiCaprio honor The Departed" | By Brett Michel | October 4, 2006
Preview of the Whitey-inspired film about Beantown badboys as envisioned by that Raging Bull Goodfella, Martin Scorsese.
"Fateful Departed: Scorsese haunts the mean streets of Beantown" | By Peter Keough | February 20, 2007
"Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him, may he rest in peace. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful Departed, through the mercy of God." Three stars!
"We found Whitey Bulger, and he's still missing" | By David Boeri | January 5, 2007
The case of the missing mobster continues as sightings become slip-ups.
VIDEO: Footage of a possible Whitey sighting in California
"Sidekick to LA: Whitey Bulger Rocks!" | By Adam Reilly | June 9, 2008
Grit versus glitz: A tale of two cities and the rivalry for who has the best famous crooks.
"Battle of the Bulger: Former Mass. Sen. Pres. William Bulger defends James Michael Curley's legacy - and his own" | By Adam Reilly | December 16, 2009
Bill Bulger defends his legacy in the Mass. Senate; evades pesky questions about his big brother.
"Trail of jeers: Forget Paul Revere. This summer, treat yourself to a tour of Boston's worst in political corruption" | By Lawrence "Huggy" Bergman | June 26, 2010
Come relax on Wollaston Beach -- site of the Whitey Bulger/Agent John Connolly rendezvous.
"Wired Magazine: Is the Mob skimming millions from Massachusetts Lottery scratch tickets?" | By Carly Carioli | January 24, 2011
Whitey wins the lottery in 1991. We kid you not.