Best WFNX New England Product Local Song Of The Year in Boston
Ad Frank And The Fast Easy Women, ‘Winterthru’

In a year dominated by thesis-wielding indie bands and overheating laptop hard drives, did you expect to see a twee single conquering the local field? Hell, no. Yet here we have Ad Frank's gem from last year's genre-shucking Your Secrets Are Mine Now (Archenemy). This is by-the-book pop at its purest, dissecting a moody romance and sardonically scattering the pieces across Frank's emotional frozen tundra. It could be the plastic synth melodies bubbling up through every nook and cranny; it could be the tongue-twisting wordplay; it could be Frank's ever-cheeky-and-troubled new-wave quiver, which gleefully lets itself get pushed around by every strobing beat and cheeseball guitar stab. Secrets is Frank's fifth solo record (look for the '90s discography of his band Permafrost, too), and the man gets no less sassy as he goes.
2. Magic Magic, "Sleepy Lion"
3. Bodega Girls, "She's into Black Guys"
4. Televandals, "Good for Nothing"