We put a visiting comic on the hot seat. This week's victim . . .
By MARC HIRSH | August 12, 2008

How old were you when you learned to hide your shame?
I’m still shameless. I need to learn more, because I definitely haven’t learned how to hide it yet. You should send a camera crew to follow me around on Thursday nights. The stuff you see will be incredible. I don’t know where I leave my pants sometimes, and I could care less.
I give you three apples and then take away two. Why am I giving you apples in the first place?
Books or sausage? Take your pick and explain your reasoning.
I probably would have to go with sausage on that one. I don’t want to learn anything. You can still read the package and I don’t feel like I learned anything. If I eat sausage all day, it doesn’t matter. I can get rid of that information in the bathroom. I can’t get rid of something stupid I read. Sausage wins out all the time.
What would it take for you to abandon comedy and take up scrimshaw? I mean, really?
As long as they pay me $8 a set, I’m there.
, Marc Hirsh
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