How are you going to stimulate the economy?
Consistent, hard, sexy pressure. And Prince records.
China just experienced its most devastating earthquake in decades. "Earthquake," or Tibetan karma?
I've never seen the movie "Tibetan karma", so I'd have to go with Earthquake. It's one of Charlton Heston's finest roles. I was disappointed that Richard Roundtree didn't stimulate Victoria Principal's economy in it, but still a solid flick. What does that have to do with China?
A recent report reveals that millions of women are at risk for an unplanned pregnancy because they're using their contraception incorrectly. How can this travesty be stopped?
A good, ole-fashioned Flipper Baby scare. And a theatrical re-release of "Garbage Pail Kids: The Movie" that is mandatory viewing for all females.
Scrubs got picked up by ABC! What does your adorably goofy, sometimes wrenchingly poignant inner monologue have to say about that?
"It's like sometimes they like just come true, those dreams you have, or whatever. It's not creepy to have a crush on Dr. Elliot Reed, even though she has the same last name as you. You're not related. But then again, we are all kind of related, as mankind, and I'm the kind of man who loves a happy ending." Then, my inner monologue makes me direct a boring movie and date Mandy Moore.
Protect thyself, You could look it up, Last man standing, More
- Protect thyself
The recent string of sexual assaults in the Medford/Somerville area has women, in a word, terrified.
- You could look it up
This article originally appeared in the February 8, 1983 issue of the Boston Phoenix.
- Last man standing
In his 1954 novel I Am Legend , Richard Matheson conjured up a terrifying scenario: a man-made plague has killed most of humanity.
- Fourth-estate follies!
Granted, other years have had flashier media embarrassments (Jayson Blair, Stephen Glass), but that doesn't mean that 2008 lacked for media misdeeds.
- Unorthodox Jews
You won't hear feel-good Chanukah ditties in the style of the Leevees nor any pages out of Matisyahu's prayer book. This is a foul-mouthed, shtick-heavy act inspired by the borscht-belt comics and the seventies-era.
- Flashbacks: November 3, 2006
These selections, culled from our back files, were compiled by Dan Peleschuk, Ian Sands, and Eva Wolchover.
- Smoke screens
What does it say about America that marijuana movies are a hot genre right now, perhaps hotter even than in the heyday of Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong’s 1978 Up in Smoke ?
- Your ombuddy
Part internal-affairs cop, part complaint department, American news ombudsmen are truly a unique breed.
- Cinema of Shadows
It’s not likely, but Judd Apatow’s pitch for Knocked Up might have sounded something like this.
- Color Me Kubrick
In the 1990s, British grifter Alan Conway posed as director Stanley Kubrick and bilked the ignorant out of small change or sex acts in sordid scams.
- Worlds collide
A week ago Wednesday and Thursday, a curious collection of young scruffy indie kids and older scruffy MIT eggheads converged on the school's Broad Institute for two nights of free music, art, and lecture dubbed "Darkness Visible."
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, Charlton Heston