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Editors' Picks
We personally think it’s too early to tell if he is indeed awesome, but according to Vibe, 25-year-old Maine MC Spose is “the next great white rapper.” Looks like Sam Adams might have some competition in the legit New England white rapper arena (though, Lord know, it’s not a crowded field). What we do know is that Spose, a/k/a Ryan Peters (who recently signed to Universal Republic Records), has got a sense of humor. “I’m Awesome,” — the Asher Roth-esque jam that shot him into the spotlight with a kajillion YouTube hits — has him deadpanning lines like “Every show I do is poorly promoted/and if you like this it’s ’cause my little sister wrote it,” and “I talk to myself on my Facebook wall.” The next Slim Shady? We’ll see. Repping the next generation of viral video-savvy, witty white boys with flow? For sure. Check him out and decide for yourself.