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Editors' Picks

Saves the Day + Get Up Kids
You don’t hear that much about emo any more, but Saves the Day is a band that once flew the heart-on-sleeve, amps-on-10 flag all the way up the pole. “Living Without Love,” the lead track from their upcoming Daybreak (Razor & Tie), is as catchy as ever, though it steers away from anthemic roar — which is refreshing, actually. The Get Up Kids, another gaggle of emo kingpins who have reunited after five years apart, share the bill at Lupo’s, 79 Washington Street, Providence. Their new There Are Rules (Quality Hill) is a punishing rock record that finds them flexing more muscles than they did early on. Showtime is 8 pm | $22 | 401.331.5876 |
Princeton, N.J. band Saves The Day got together when its members were only 13, signed a label deal while still in high school, and went...
The Get Up Kids are a Kansas City-based American rock band. They debuted in 1995, and in 1996 released their first single on the band's...