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Editors' Picks
All's Well That Ends Well

For the 16th summer running, the Commonwealth Shakespeare Company reprise their ever-popular Shakespeare On The Common on the Parkman Bandstand. Their free, al fresco performances have become a Boston summer staple; past seasons have seen over 100,000 attendees throughout a show’s run. This summer, the company presents All’s Well That Ends Well, one of Willy S’s “problem plays.” The story of the orphaned Helena and her pursuit of Count Bertram over hill and dale premieres tonight and runs through August 14.
Steven Maler helms Commonwealth Shakespeare Company’s annual free summer Shakespeare show on the Common, choosing to stage one of the Bard’s tragicomedies. Helena, a young commoner, falls in love with a nobleman and undergoes several tests in order to win his hand in marriage. Kersti Bryan stars.