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Editors' Picks
Quartet of Happiness
This event occurs in the past,
June 14
400 Soldiers Field Rd, Boston, MA
(view map)
Madcap musical educators and satirists the Quartet Of Happiness have made their name with hijinks like “So You Think You Can Jazz?” — “America’s favorite jazz reality show” — and their three-minute, 1000-year history of music. But they also happen to comprise some of the best players in town — saxophonists Kelly Roberge and Rick Stone, bassist Kendall Eddy, and drummer Austin McMahon — and their execution of everything from bebop and funk to free to Gregorian chant is always spot on.
Quartet of Happiness takes modern jazz and infuses it with a hefty dose of cheekiness and irreverent humor, wrapping it all up in the sort...
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