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The Phoenix’s first annual sex-survey results

You people really like oral, don’t hide your porn, and want to do the deed in Fenway
By THEPHOENIX.COM  |  August 9, 2006

Back in May, staff writer Camille Dodero reported on the state of sex in Boston through interviews with straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people (“Sex (Circa 2006).”) Topics ranged from one-night stands to monogamous relationships, from the bro job to the growing fluidity of sexual orientation.Accompanying the story was the Phoenix’s first-ever sex survey. Close to 1400 of you filled it out, mapping out your sexual lives (anonymously, of course) for all of us to read. The results are listed below, but here are some interesting tid-bits we pulled out.The average age you gave up your V-card was about 16. (24 of you are still waiting until marriage, 81 for the right person, and 21 of you will stay abstinent until the apocalypse). Many of you did the deed in a car, on your parents’ couch, or in the dreaded extra-long and far-too-narrow college-dorm-room beds. Other spots included a Prince concert, a gay bathhouse, and — quite possibly the saddest thing we’ve ever heard — in New Jersey. While most of you were in a relationship at the time, others lost their virginity to a co-worker while in Vegas, the high school tramp, or a married next-door neighbor. Proving a major premise of the story, more than two-thirds of you admitted to giving or receiving oral sex by the second or third date. Anal sex, on the other hand, is still up for debate; 615 of you refuse to do it, while 447 will do it gladly (or with a bit of persuasion). 114 of you go for the back door on the first date.While 680 of you are currently in a relationship and 785 of you have never cheated on your partner, you masturbate to both past and current lovers — equally. (And, of course, to porn stars and the occasional celebrity.) One of you dreams of being “between the Brokeback Mountain dudes” and another wants to “tie Johnny Damon up in a Red Sox jersey” and dominate him.This past year has proven to be eventful, as you’ve added sex toys, anal sex, phone sex, and bondage to your repertoire. This isn’t a surprise considering that almost all of you admit to having sex on your mind throughout the day.Threesomes are high on the list of wild things you’ve done; anal sex, orgies, and bondage are also among the top five. Six of you have been “fisted” (likely), two of you have fucked a moose (unlikely), and one of you gave oral to your professor (the authenticity of this statement depends entirely on what this person’s grade was at midterm).Eighty-six of you want to have sex under the lights at Fenway (24 dream of doggy-style on the pitcher’s mound), while 85 want to be on a tropical beach (only one of you brought up the fact that sand poses a rather painful problem). Eighteen of you hope to screw in an elevator (three want it made of glass) and 13 of you hope to bang on the church altar (you seem split 50-50 as to whether or not the clergy should be present). For the woman who wants to do it on Mitt Romney’s desk, there’s always the Make-A-Wish foundation.At the end, we asked for your suggestions for next year’s survey. And the Phoenix promises it will be a lot more personal and a lot more freaky.

1. Age

Average Age = 30.17

2. Sex

Male 839
Female 484
Trans 17

3. Sexual orientation

Straight 1038
Bi-sexual 173
Other 31
Gay 95

4. Have you ever had sex?

Yes 1267
No 66

5. If not, what are you waiting for?

Right Person 81
The Apocalypse 28
Marriage 24

6. How old were you when you lost your virginity?

Average Age = 16.02

7-8. What were the circumstances? How was it?

I was seduced by two SISTERS! One was in my class and the other was two years older. We were at a house party and they sort of dragged me upstairs to a bedroom. I was so nervous! It was totally awesome.

Escort. It was bad.

I actually planned on waiting till I was married, for spiritual reasons. I was in a relationship with a much older foreign guy, and our making out got pretty heavy one night. We were both naked, but he knew how I felt about having sex before marriage, so I thought I was safe. He just got on top of me and shoved it in. My heart just sank, because I knew as soon I was penetrated like that that I was no longer a virgin. So basically, even though it didn''t hurt, it wasn''t really good.

Pretty clumsy. 15 year old horny guy finds 16 year old horny girl. Wackiness ensues.

pizza hut waitress & me; weird...
see more responses

9. Are you currently in a relationship?

Yes 680
Sort of 514
No 159

10. Have you ever cheated on your partner?

No 785
Yes 533

11. Have you ever been caught?

No 957
Yes 205

12. How often do you think about sex?

Many times throughout the day 947
Once a day 227
A couple times a week 112
Once a week 31

13. How often do you have sex?

Never 107
Once a year 46
Once every other month 107
Once a month 126
Once every other week 109
One to two times a week 166
Two to three times a week 355
Four to six times a week 168
Once a day 64
Two to three times a day 42
I don't leave the house 22

14. How many serious relationships have you had?

None 97
One 212
Two to three 645
Four to seven 299
Eight or more 65

15. How many sexual partners?

None 70
One to two 183
Three to six 288
Seven to ten 188
Eleven to fourteen 139
Fifteen or more 402

16. How many one-night-stands?

I've never had sex 6
None 347
One to two 366
Three to six 236
Seven to ten 93
Eleven to fourteen 42
Fifteen or more 176

17. How many "friends with benefits" do you currently have?

None 872
One 224
Two to three 158
Four to seven 30
Eight or more 25

18. How long do you date before you have...
...oral sex?

First date 373
Two to three dates 553
After a month 282
After a year 19
I never. 65

..."regular" sex?

First date 281
Two to three dates 518
After a month 378
After a year 39
I never. 64

...anal sex?

First date 114
Two to three dates 92
After a month 247
After a year 200
I never. 615

19. What is your preferred method of protection?

Condoms 636
The Pill 286
None 94
Other 82
Withdrawal 68
IUD 22
The Patch 14
The Ring 12
Outercourse 9
The Sponge 8
Spermicide 4
Diaphragm 3

20. If you have ever had sexual contact with someone outside your sexual preference, what type of contact was it?

Kissing 106
Oral Sex 70
Heavy Petting 42
Regular Sex 41
Anal Sex 35

21. Do you have sex with...

..the lights on. 127
..the lights off. 106

22. What's the wildest thing you've ever done sexually?

public sex
covered in condaments
A threesome with my girlfriend and my ex that involved a double-ended dildo and some anal toys and about 4 hours
Not sure it''s legal. I''m serious.
had sex in a construction site in downtown Boston
see more responses
23. What's your favorite position

Doggie Style 429
Cowgirl 278
Missionary 251
Other 112
The Spoon 85
Reverse Cowgirl 82

24. Have you ever had cyber-sex?

No 701
Yes 596

25. Do you consider cyber-sex to be cheating?

No 662
Yes 597

26. What sex activities have you added to your sexual repertoire in the past year?

Swinging 80
Phone Sex 235
Bondage 166
Sex outside sexual preference 93
Videotaping Sex 142
Group Sex 125
Cybersex 137
Sex toys 401
Anal Sex 247
Sex with food accessories 147
Nothing 11

27. What local neighborhood has been the best place to find sex?

spring street
I’ll let you know when –I- find it.
anywhere the men are!
see more responses
28. Have you had sex in public?

Yes 831
No 447

29. If so, where?

eastern prom, the "t" in boston, maine state peir
Bermuda in a field
Behind a factory
parks, alleys, cars, stairwells, train, plane too many to remember,beaches , bathrooms, tree house at crowed party
see more responses
30. What would be your fantasy place to have sex?

on a resort island
changing room
open air bedroom with sea breezes by the ocean with billowing curtains
In a public restroom. But the fact that it was a dirty public restroom would probably stop me.
by a pool
see more responses
31. What turns you on the most?

big ass and big tits
seeing a guy in his underwear while we are making out
Being restrained
my girlfriend, any thing she does is sexy
watching a man get excited because of me
see more responses
32. What is your ultimate fantasy?

Threesome 304
Rendezvous with college/high school crush 272
Orgy 163
Sex with strangers 149
Other 292 see responses

33. If you could sleep with any of the following celebrities, who would it be?

Scarlett Johansson 258
Keira Knightleyh 139
Eva Longoria 126
Patrick Dempsey 60
Jonathan Rhys-Meyers 48
Taye Diggs 44
Gilbert Gottfried 5
Other 431 see responses

34. Do you masturbate?

Yes 1206
No 61

35. If yes, how often?

Once a month 118
Once a week 453
Once a day 466
Twice a day 138
I don't leave the house 36

36. What do you think of when you masturbate?

Porn 635
Former Lovers 604
Current Partners 598
Strangers 362
Coworkers 262
Celebrities 248
High school crush 214
Yourself 147

37. Do you enjoy porn?

Yes 1019
No 248

38. If yes, where do you hide your porn?
Most responses were variations of the following:

under bed
don't hide
your mom's house
39. Do you consider porn to be a...

Just another option 659
Inspiration 258
Consolation 133
Not an option 79
A way of life 76

40. What's your zip code

Top 10 zip code responses:
ZIP Code Number Location
02139 33 Cambridge, Inman Square
02134 30 Boston, Allston
02130 27 Boston, Jamaica Plain
04101 24 Portland, ME
02144 22 Somerville, West Somerville
02143 20 Somerville, East Somerville
02135 19 Boston, Brighton
02115 17 Boston
02215 16 Boston, Kenmore
02446 14 Brookline

41. Religion


Spiritual but not religious 185
Atheist 132
Christian - Protestant 80
Christian - Other 70
Jewish 66
Other 68
Buddhist / Taoist 24
Muslim / Islam 8
Hindu 7
Christian - LDS 3

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