Narrated by Peter Coyote, Dorothy Fadiman’s documentary has something to infuriate everyone. Its infomercial style might irk sticklers for art. Its devastating claims about a pattern of Republican election fraud stretching back to 1996 will disgust conservatives, who will probably dismiss it as more paranoia from Democrats. But it’s the latter, especially those who voted on touch-screen machines in 2004 and saw their votes flip from Kerry to Bush, who should be most outraged. Not just by the growing discrepancies over the years between exit polls and vote counts (such as Kerry’s 51 percent versus Bush’s 48 percent flipping to Bush 51 percent versus Kerry 48 percent) — something the mainstream media blandly blame on the polls despite mounting evidence of glitches, tampering, and voter disenfranchisement. Or even by the travesties of 2000. No, Democrats should save their real ire for their own party, which has rolled over and let it happen. Watching Stealing America, you wonder whether even the election of 2008 isn’t a foregone conclusion. 90 minutes | Kendall Square