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Inauguration Day Round-up

Most people round these parts will be celebrating President-elect Barack Obama’s inauguration on January 20. But, even those rare local GOPs who are mourning the loss of a Republican administration will be looking for a good time.
By SARA FAITH ALTERMAN  |  January 19, 2009

Meet your Massachusetts Governor's Council

Clown committee
In this perilous economy, Governor Deval Patrick is faced with extraordinary economic challenges.
By CHRIS FARAONE  |  January 14, 2009

Search party

MBTA cops never stopped inspecting your bags
These days, the morning commute is hardly complete without a newspaper, coffee, and potential violation of one's Fourth Amendment protections against unreasonable search and seizure .
By CHRIS FARAONE  |  December 31, 2008

Follow the leaders

With the economy already staggering and sure to get worse, Massachusetts needs its elected officials to suck it up and show the way
While we won't have George W. Bush to bash for the national trials that await us in 2009, we can learn important lessons from his past failings.
By EDITORIAL  |  December 30, 2008

The feminine critique

Women in politics came a long way in 2008, but the weight of double standards endures
It was almost a banner year for women in politics.
By SARA FAITH ALTERMAN  |  December 24, 2008

100 Unsexiest Men of the Year Follow-Up

  Because There Was an Election
The problem with dropping our Unsexiest list in March of an election year is that we never know what kind of weasels, Republicans, and Republican weasels will urinate in America’s stream of consciousness down the final stretch.
By CHRIS FARAONE  |  December 12, 2008

Defy Shepard Fairey

Letters to the Boston editor, November 7, 2008
There is nothing radical about Shepard Fairey. There is nothing guerilla about Shepard Fairey.
By  |  November 05, 2008

Maverick in a mess

If McCain loses, is it the mainstream media's fault?
A number of pundits, mostly of the conservative variety, would like you to believe that if Barack Obama wins on Tuesday, it's the mainstream media’s fault. Don't believe a word of it.  
By STEVEN STARK  |  November 01, 2008

Night of the living dead

What if the election doesn’t end on Election Day?
It’s almost over. This is welcome news.
By ADAM REILLY  |  November 03, 2008

Wacko patrol: America's 25 scariest conservatives

The Phoenix ranks the individuals who will hold the most sway over the right-wing message machine in 2009, and beyond.
Imagine what will happen once the relatively sane folks now running the White House and the Republican National Committee pack up and go home?  
By DAVID S. BERNSTEIN  |  November 03, 2008

Travels with Sarah

As Palin tours New Hampshire, signs of Biblical calling, talent on the stump, and a shot at 2012
Apparently, the idea of Palin as the Queen Esther for our time has made it to New Hampshire.  
By DAVID S. BERNSTEIN  |  October 24, 2008

Living la vida Republican

Because at America’s colleges, even the dangerously misguided have a right to be heard
Trying to find college Republicans in Boston is like looking for a flattering pair of jeans: they’re elusive — either too stiff or completely out of style.  
By KARA BASKIN  |  October 22, 2008

Lou Dobbs in 2012?

As the GOP implodes, the financial crisis may present a white-hot moment for a third-party voice to enter the fray
On November 4, the United States will elect a new president. And, on November 5, in this era of the permanent campaign, the Road to the White House 2012 will begin in earnest.  
By STEVEN STARK  |  October 16, 2008

Socialist studies

Um, Dianne Wilkerson and Sonia Chang-Díaz? Meet the Socialist Workers Party candidate who’s running for your Second Suffolk Senate District seat.
With his frosty hair, necktie, and wire glasses, William Leonard resembles Barry Bostwick, the actor who played Mayor Randall M. Winston Jr. on the sitcom Spin City .  
By CHRIS FARAONE  |  October 22, 2008

Financial fallout

The devastating wall street crisis has a potential silver lining — if you’re a Massachusetts politician looking for a foothold
The current US financial disaster will roil Massachusetts residents in myriad ways.  
By DAVID S. BERNSTEIN  |  October 08, 2008

The right stuff

Senator John Kerry has it; challenger Ed O’Reilly doesn’t. Plus, Sarah Palin’s Hannah Montana equation.
Politics is often a matter of perspective.
By EDITORIAL  |  September 10, 2008

The good soldier

In Minnesota, Mitt keeps the faith
It can’t be easy being Mitt Romney nowadays.
By ADAM REILLY  |  September 03, 2008

Dark days on Fountain Street

With a parting shot, MacKay joins the exodus from the once-mighty BeloJo
There are black umbrellas in the poolside Pernod and grapefruits at Casa Diablo upon our having learned that ace reporter Scott MacKay has taken the Urinal’s buyout package.
By PHILLIPE AND JORGE  |  August 27, 2008

Feeling Minnesota

If McCain wants to gain on Obama, he needs to achieve these four goals in St. Paul
The overall success of the event will largely come down to one question: how effective and memorable will Barack Obama’s acceptance speech prove to be?
By STEVEN STARK  |  August 28, 2008

The underdog

Sara Orozco thinks she can beat all-American GOP superstar Scott Brown. Can she convince anyone else?
Sara Orozco and Scott Brown, total opposites, are perfect candidates for a State Senate district with political bipolar disorder.
By DAVID S. BERNSTEIN  |  August 13, 2008

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