In July, her co-choreographed duet with Neumann, Melnick again seemed to be taking the lead. Her movement is dancerly and Neumann's more athletic. His moves are weighted, casually projected into space, hers are delicate but sharply focused. He keeps an eagle eye on her. They're trying to adapt to each other, and enjoying it. Behind them, the back wall of the Doris Duke Theater has been opened up onto a courtyard with a big pine tree and some buildings behind it. The light of a cloudy afternoon filters in. The tree doesn't move a muscle.
Trisha Brown Dance Company | Institute of Contemporary Art, 100 Northern Avenue, Boston | November 11-13 | 617.478.3100
Photos: The Slutcracker 2010, Identity Festival rocks out the dance party, Offerings, More
- Photos: The Slutcracker 2010
The Slutcracker: A Burlesque takes its sexy Nutcracker makeover to the Somerville Theatre through December 24, 2010.
- Identity Festival rocks out the dance party
Genre predictions are dumb, but there is one thing absolutely certain in music: rock music is dead, and the era of electronic dominance is finally here.
- Offerings
Nora Chipaumire’s lions will roar, swans will fly, angels will wrestle heaven, rains will break: gukarahundi , presented at the ICA last weekend by CRASHarts, had the makings of a multimedia extravaganza.
- A gathering of the tribe
As they've done for the past few years, Island Moving Co. is taking no chances on the weather — they'd previously done summer outdoor performances for almost 20 years.
- Photos: Pinchbottom Burlesque Book Launch at the Beehive (kinda NSFW)
Pinchbottom Burlesque shakes up the South End and unveil their new book, The Burlesque Handbook .
- Rising up
Almost two years ago, Byron Nilsen was walking home from a night downtown when he was attacked by two men on Cumberland Avenue who took issue with the way Nilsen was dressed (he "looked like a faggot," they said).
- Rave on
Although Don McLean sang of the abrupt death of Charles Hardin Holley as "the day the music died," it's more accurate to describe his soaring career as the days the music began.
- Review: Rock of Ages
At the start of the hair-metal musical Rock of Ages (at the Colonial Theatre through October 17), narrator Lonny (Patrick Lewallen) promises a night of sexy decadence and general kick-assery.
- Classic burlesque star swings into town
"I've always been a class act," says Tempest Storm, the 82-year-old Burlesque Hall of Fame dancer. "I have a personality that really connects with the audience — the expression on your face, your eyes, your smile — I've been told that . . . when I hit the stage, something transforms over my face."
- Rihanna | Loud
Let's be honest here: the average human doesn't care about RiRi's need to express her artistic personality through music and would be more psyched if it were just 11 versions of "Don't Stop the Music."
- Review: A Radio City Christmas at PPAC
The Radio City Christmas Spectacular , at the Providence Performing Arts Center through November 28, should be called Santa Claus and the 18 Leggy Showgirls . They could have packed the place with hubbies.
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, Laurie Anderson, Music, directed, More
, Laurie Anderson, Music, directed, Opera, Europe, Dance, Theater, Trisha Brown, LINEAGE, ICA, Less