In our case, however, we even had room at the end (taking home some sirloin tips and lots of chicken). Bill's meal came with a choice of desserts, and he opted for the mini-brownie sundae, a cakey brownie smothered in chocolate sauce and whipped cream, with vanilla ice cream on the side.
Baiba and I both succumbed to the grapenut pudding ($2.45), and we liked it immensely, both for its modest size and its not-too-sweet custardy taste. The grapenut layer is also just right, with its malted barley flavor combining with the custard's vanilla in this distinctive New England dessert.
The service at the Village Haven is speedy, friendly, and helpful. The décor is rustic country, with roosters edging the café curtains, ceramic chickens on a shelf above the windows, and lots of artificial plants lending extra color. Anyone seeking a true Blackstone Valley chicken dinner experience should try this spot — just call ahead for directions.
Don't be chicken, Restaurante Montecristo, Review: Eyes Wide Open, More
- Don't be chicken
Last year was a weird one for chicken wings.
- Restaurante Montecristo
East Boston is a treasure trove of Latin American restaurants serving delicious, filling fare.
- Review: Eyes Wide Open
Though Hair Tabakman’s intense melodrama seethes with eroticism, for most of the film the only flesh on view is the raw meat in Aaron’s (Zohar Shtrauss, who with his beard looks like Dostoevsky) butcher shop in a stark Haredi neighborhood in Jerusalem.
- Review: India restaurant
At one time in the mid-'90s, India had branched out to three or four restaurants in Providence and the East Bay.
- How the other half eats?
Seeking to understand our once-and-future masters, I headed up to Falmouth, where registered Republicans outnumber Democrats, to examine how they eat. I followed some expensive sedans to Johnny's Bistro.
- Vinh Sun BBQ and Restaurant
Constrained by a small word count, I often choose restaurants with relatively short menus. I correctly took Vinh-Sun to be a Cantonese "BBQ" specialist, a retailer of roast pork, whole suckling pigs, ducks, and chickens. But it's also a spanking-clean Chinatown restaurant serving a broad Cantonese and Hong Kong menu.
- Red Lentil Vegetarian and Vegan Restaurant
By now everyone knows Red Lentil is dog-plays-the-piano good. It’s the best all-vegetarian and lots-vegan restaurant Boston has ever had. The question before us is: is it actually good -good?
- WAN Convenience Store and Deli
I can easily imagine my less-adventurous friends entering WAN Convenience for the first time, glancing around, and turning on their heels to flee.
- Go for the doughnuts
The French Press occupies the conceptual space matching its geographic location: to the left of Dunkin Donuts — more local, more artisanal, but hitting the same basic notes.
- Taquería Jalisco
Exploring a new restaurant is like baseball: sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, and sometimes it isn't available. My Taquería Jalisco rainout was a Tuesday, its regular day off.
- South End Buttery
South End Buttery started with cupcakes and coffee, but opened up a dining room below street level two summers ago, and has since gradually taken on more serious cheffery.
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, Culture and Lifestyle, Food and Cooking, Foods, Desserts, Meat, Seafood, Italian Food and Cooking, CULTURE, chicken, american cuisine, Less