The North Pole has become the most depressing and perverted hole on Earth. We used to keep tabs on folks through snitches and grandparents, but these days — thanks to Facebook and flat screens — we can actually monitor everyone, everywhere. And it turns out, nobody deserves a damn thing. Santa knows when you've been sexting, and, we're sorry, but even your grandma has a YouPorn account. Ho! Ho! Ho!
As a result, standards have been dropped around here over the past few years. Everyone gets a gift now, no matter how many mentally retarded people they executed as the governor of Texas, or how many times they relapsed and drunk drove down Sunset.
So, we've decided to start shopping from the heart, and to put the pleasantries aside this year to let people know how we really feel about their irksome ways. We suggest you do the same, and to show you how it's done, here are a few of the contemptible fools we're currently shopping for. Remember: it's the thought that fucking counts.
Mr. and Mrs. Claus
The underdog, 100 Unsexiest Men of the Year Follow-Up, The Pythons' Gonzo Gospel, More
- The underdog
Sara Orozco and Scott Brown, total opposites, are perfect candidates for a State Senate district with political bipolar disorder.
- 100 Unsexiest Men of the Year Follow-Up
The problem with dropping our Unsexiest list in March of an election year is that we never know what kind of weasels, Republicans, and Republican weasels will urinate in America’s stream of consciousness down the final stretch.
- The Pythons' Gonzo Gospel
The scene is familiar: the vast blue sky, the expanses of sand, and, atop a distant hill, Jesus delivers the Sermon on the Mount to a rapt throng. But on the fringes of the crowd, His listeners behave like rowdies at a rock concert, yelling at one another and brawling until no one can hear the Savior's words. What's that He said? Blessed are the cheesemakers?
- Taking sides
The stakes are high in the battle for Massachusetts’s first new US senatorship in a quarter-century.
- Same old song
Most music fans can probably be forgiven, at this point, for being doubting Thomases at the alleged demise of the major-label music industry.
- Tech Support
"Lo! Men have become the tools of their tools." So wrote Henry David Thoreau, a long time ago, in Walden .
- The Rolling Stones | Get Yer Ya-Ya's Out! The Rolling Stones in Concert
This live 1969 Madison Square Garden set was released at the band's peak, following Beggars Banquet and Let It Bleed , preceding Sticky Fingers and Exile on Main Street , and recorded a week before the disaster at Altamont.
- Mad Men on Mass Ave
We have many long, painful, Mad Men– less months stretching ahead of us, as we wait for the show to return to AMC and shower us with more broken marriages, snappy quips, jaw-dropping revelations, and (hopefully) amputated limbs.
- Blu Christmas . . . without DVD
Ah, yes: the most wonderful time of the year, tinged with muddy snow and the creeping darkness of our most recent Depression.
- Brown Bagging
If you are finding it hard to get enthused about the seemingly preordained drubbing that Democratic Attorney General Martha Coakley will give to the GOP nominee, State Senator Scott Brown, in the special election for US Senate, you are not alone.
- Ten years of great sports
Moments after Adam Vinatieri's field goal split the uprights as the clock expired in the Louisiana Superdome on February 3, 2002, the streets of Boston were in bedlam. Drunk people dangled from trees and hung off lampposts. Motorists leaned on their horns. I saw a guy hug a cop
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Lifestyle Features
, Jesus Christ, Tom Brady, Santa Claus, More
, Jesus Christ, Tom Brady, Santa Claus, Scott Brown, Christmas gifts, gift guide, Lloyd Blankfein, Prince William, gift2010, Less