Wherein we roll up our sleeves, get angry, and give The Academy a swift punch in the nuts

Fuck the Oscars. Every year they claim to honor the best films of the year, when what they really mean is "Hey, let's pat ourselves on the back for making so many great dramas. Action, sci-fi, horror — screw 'em. Anyone can make a popcorn flick. If it doesn't enlighten me and make me feel depressed/introspective then it obviously doesn't take any skill or talent, and isn't worth the gum stuck to the bottom of my shoe as I leave the theater."
To hell with them. It's time to celebrate the Forgotten Oscars, where zombies sing, wood chippers cut body parts instead of lumber, and video cameras can kill. Let's roll up our sleeves, get angry, and give The Academy a swift punch in the nuts.
Warning: Spoilers abound. Don't say I didn't warn you.