"There's all this music from the past 30 or 40 years that's really processed," says Snake Boy. "It goes through a bunch of different effects and synthesizers and stuff. This is about pushing all that aside and making sounds that are more connected to a very . . . innate thing."
In contrast to their backstory, Ghost Scorpion! stay firmly unconvoluted while renewing the retro-a-go-go vibes of the Ventures and Dick Dale, with a touch of Reverend Horton Heat tossed in as a reference point for those who weren't teens in the early '60s.
"After [the Cramps'] Lux Interior passed over to our side, we hung out for a bit, and he explained the basics of psychobilly to us," DeLambre claims. "It goes hand in hand with surf rock. Throwback, straightforward rock and roll. No bullshit, but exclusively bullshit at the same time."
BEWARE THE DANGERS OF A GHOST SCORPION! + GIRLFRIENDS + NYC UFOS + WHIR | Middle East upstairs, 472 Mass Ave, Cambridge | April 14 @ 8 pm | 18+ | $10 | 617.864.EAST or mideastclub.com
Beady Eye | Different Gear, Still Speeding, Kurt Vile | Smoke Ring For My Halo, Radiohead | The King of Limbs, More
- Beady Eye | Different Gear, Still Speeding
Beady Eye's eagerly awaited debut represents Liam Gallagher's uninspiring foray into the spotlight without Noel, his battle-weary brother and Oasis's chief songwriter.
- Kurt Vile | Smoke Ring For My Halo
It's weird to write about a guy who operates this close to the classic singer-songwriter template and not even consider the lyrics.
- Radiohead | The King of Limbs
OK Consumer?
- Obits | Moody, Standard, and Poor
Rick Froberg's co-workers have no idea how much he hates his office job and the people around him
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I know what you're thinking: Is Those Shocking, Shaking Days: Indonesian Hard, Psychedelic, Progressive Rock and Funk 1970-1978 really as mind-bendingly, earth-shatteringly, consciousness-alteringly awesome as its title would suggest? Abso-fucking-lutely.
- DevilDriver | Beast
Would it be blasphemous to compare DevilDriver with the almighty Pantera? Sure, perhaps. But the only reference for the bludgeoning brutality of Beast is the latter days of the Texas-based metal militants and their pushing of the envelope into breakneck energy, aggression, and power
- A triumphant Reks returns home after a Euro blitz
Thank the good lord Nas for Europe. Say what you will about their snotty languages and odd sneakers, young people in urban Denmark, France, and Germany have kept sophisticated hardcore hip-hop alive, allowing savants like Lawrence native Reks to win a slice of the success that he deserves.
- R.E.M. | Collapse Into Now
It's tough for a band nearly 30 years into their singularly influential career not to dissolve into an adjective. But R.E.M. have taken their moniker on quite a musical journey.
- Screw the Ides of March — beware Bodega Girls
When music writers start playing the futures game, it's usually a good idea to take our prognostications with a grain of salt. That said, if there's one wager you can bet the house on this year, it's that Boston's Bodega Girls will spend 2011 on a giant winning streak, whether they like it or not. Lock it up.
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- Wye Oak | Civilian
Very quietly, Wye Oak have put together an impressive run. Not musically quiet, of course — their specialty is massive guitarscapes that seem an impossibility from just a duo.
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Music Features
, Music, review, middle East Upstairs, More
, Music, review, middle East Upstairs, New Music, Boston Bands, Beware the Dangers of a Ghost Scorpion!, Less