SONGS FOR PARENTS WHO ENJOY DRUGS: And childless people who enjoy those parents, too, for that matter.
Produced by Ani DiFranco and released on her Righteous Babe imprint in February, the sixth album recorded by the 50ish anti-folkie Ed Hamell under his Hamell on Trial moniker is recommended listening for parents who enjoy drugs, childless people who enjoy parents who enjoy drugs, and anyone else with a taste for sidesplitting songs about jerking off to images of one’s wife while on tour, Ann Coulter’s stinky snatch, and lying to one’s offspring about your father’s “sordid youth,” which may or may not have included tripping in school, auto theft, and a mother-daughter threesome. The highlight is an ingenuous anti-Bush song called “Values,” a made-up back-and-forth between Hamell and his three-year-old son, Detroit: “He said, ‘Dad, they proved that Iraq/Had nothing to do with the 9/11 attack?’/I said, ‘I can’t argue with you/’Cause everything that you say is true’/From the mouth of the littlest of boys/He said, ‘Dad, I ain’t picking up my fucking toys.’ ”HAMMELL ON TRIAL + JENNIFER GREER | May 18 | Johnny D’s, 17 Holland St, Somerville | 617.776.2004
On the Web
Hammell on Trial: http://www.hamellontrial.com/