Cult 45 |
Ultimately unfounded threats of the Mayan apocalypse are in the rearview, but this winter's new Boston music survey starts with a Cult and ends with a Flood. Boston rock might be on some biblical shit in 2013, and here are 10 records that will set the tone — and soundtrack — of what could be the best year ever (again).1. Cult 45 ::On High:: This hard-rock quartet arrives in the new year with two new band members, but what remains is the soaring vocals of Tai Heatley. Recorded at Mad Oak Studios in Allston and engineered by Benny Grotto (GOZU, Mellow Bravo), Cult 45's debut full-length is a nonstop Doc Marten boot to the face (in a nice way). :: January 4 @ Radio :: radiobarunion.com
2. The Wild Northern ::The Whiskey Season:: Nearly 100 backers and $6000 raised via Kickstarter helped this Americana quartet continue Boston's continually rising rustic tide, but on tracks like "Send the Runner," the Wild Northern add more jolt than the usual string-and-a-jig cavalry. :: January 12 @ the Middle East :: mideastclub.com
3. Mister Vertigo ::Taciturn:: Representing a slight shift in style for this Boston/New Hampshire rock band, their new EP features guest vocals (the Sheila Devine's Aaron Perrino on "Spear Hill," Damone's Noelle Leblanc on "Mel + Rita"), experimental recordings done on 2-inch tape, and a cover of Morrissey's "Everyday Is Like Sunday." Sold. :: January 18 @ T.T. the Bear's :: ttthebears.com
4. The Susan Constant ::Shapes:: In the early 1600s, the English Virginia Company had the Discovery, the Godspeed, and the Susan Constant. Four-hundred years later, only one has a jittery Boston rock band named after it. Shapes is hyper-energetic indie pop, so dance around your room and discover your own personal Jamestown. :: January 19 @ the Middle East :: mideastclub.com
5. Larcenist ::Eager City, Patient Company:: Recorded at Q Division in Somerville, Larcenist's latest offering is anthemic folk rock for the at-ease generation, with storytelling prowess as long as the beards in the band. :: January 19 @ Great Scott :: greatscottboston.com
6. Moe Pope & Quills ::Let The Right Ones In:: A title that takes equal inspiration from both the Morrissey song and the Swedish vampire flick is fitting for what could be Moe Pope and his crew's breakout performance, appealing far beyond their hip-hop base. Guest spots include Lady Lamb the Beekeeper, Julia Easterlin, and Dua Boakye of Bad Rabbits. :: January 25 @ Brighton Music Hall :: brightonmusichall.com
7. Stereo Telescope ::On and Running:: Boston finally embraced its seething electro-pop underbelly in 2012, and the first dance of the new year belongs to the Allston/Brighton duo who have crafted a synth-pop record heavy on songwriting awareness. :: January 25 @ Great Scott :: greatscottboston.com
8. Glenn Yoder & the Western States ::Javelina:: Recorded with Dave Minehan at Woolly Mammoth in Waltham, the former Cassavette rocks out a bit more than in past turns, but still retains the charm that made his former band one of Boston's brightest. :: January 26 @ Lizard Lounge :: lizardloungeclub.com