The media also widely reported Warren's benign shot at Brown — that unlike him, she "kept her clothes on" during college. It wasn't even the best jibe of that round of questioning, let alone the debate, but it was the one tossed at Brown for comment later. His response — "Thank God" — became the week's local political headline, and even merited a discussion on the national Sunday talk shows.
Now Warren is due for another round of elevated coverage, with the release of campaign-finance reports covering the three months ending in September. Warren's multi-million-dollar haul, in barely two weeks of an official campaign, are being compared more to Brown's massive $9 million war chest than to her Democratic opponents.
But Khazei seems to be gaining something valuable, too: a clean shot at Warren if she falters. And with 11 months to go, and Warren just going under the microscope, that's not a hopeless position.
To read the Talking Politics blog, go to Follow David S. Bernstein on Twitter @dbernstein.
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