For those of you unfamiliar with Photoshop, this is a fake. |
Here at the Phoenix, we agree: the prospect of Sarah Palin actually becoming Vice President of the United States is a terrifying one. Our only defense against such a thought is humor, because if we didn't laugh, we'd cry.
And apparently many denizens of the Internet agree wtih us (hey, you know who else is from Alaska? Ted Stevens!). We've conveniently compiled some of the best Palin humor the Web has to offer, presented in no particluar order. This is by no means a complete list, and we will happily update as we find more jokes. So get cracking, everyone.
• Interviewpalin.com: If you can't score your own interview with the Vice Presidential nominee - and some members of the press have been unsuccessful so far - then just use this site to generate your own answers.
• Palinbingo.com: This was originally conceived for the Vice Presidential debate last week, but it still works for any public Palin appearance.
• Palin Poetry: Where others see rambling and equivocating that masks a dangerous amount of ignorance on important topics, Slate's Hart Seely sees only the possibility of lyric beauty.
• Jon Stewart's finest hour of 2008: McCain surrogates' hypocrisy hideously exposed.
• Michael Palin for President: Though not Constitutionally eligible, it's hard to argue he wouldn't make a better candidate otherwise. He's got a video. His fellow Python performer, John Cleese, had some words for her as well.
• Our contribution: The Phoenix held a text-in contest to name Sarah Palin's next child. "Trout" is shockingly believable. There's also an actual name generator.
• East Bay Express is holding a songwriting contest as well.
• One of the better video remixes out there of her debate performance. This one, too, is pretty good.
• Not originally of the Internet, of course, but no list of this kind would be complete without Tina Fey's SNL sketches. Here's the Hillary one, the Couric interview, and the debate.
• There is no humor in what Matt Damon said. We're glad he said it, though. And we're also glad that someone ran with that particular ball and made a fake trailer for the "bad Disney movie" he describes.
• And two people, including one dead-on ringer for the Governor herself, have created the secret vlog of Sarah Palin. Check out the post-debate edition.