The Other Boleyn GirlA neutered affair  February 27,
2008 12:57:46 PM
THE OTHER BOLEYN GIRL: Natalie Portman and Scarlett Johansson are held captive and kept
Justin Chadwick’s adaptation of Philippa Gregory’s sprawling bestseller about sibling rivals vying to provide Henry the VIII with a male heir hits all the hallmarks of the epic period piece: scheming nobles; pitch-perfect costuming; plenty of crane shots of aristocrats riding furiously on horseback. But what was in real life a sordid tale of sexual intrigue becomes a neutered affair. The title Boleyn is Mary (Scarlett Johansson), the uncomplicated younger sister to English history’s most infamous adulteress, the conniving Anne (Natalie Portman). And though both lead actresses give admirable performances, they’re held captive (and kept clothed) by Peter Morgan’s flat script. Eric Bana as the Tudor king comes off as hollow (especially in light of Showtime’s current The Tudors); Kristin Scott Thomas provides some bright moments as Lady Elizabeth Boleyn, the strong but ultimately powerless family matron. 114 minutes | Boston Common + Fenway + Fresh Pond + Circle/Chestnut Hill + suburbs

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