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Seriously? WCSH 6 doubts global warming?

I swear I'm stone cold sober, but I still am worried that I'm outright hallucinating. Flipping channels tonight, I hit on WCSH 6 just as the 207 show was opening up. And Cindy Williams (filling in tonight for Kathleen Shannon) compared complaints about global warming to Chicken Little's claims that "the sky is falling." And then she asked, with apparent sincerity, whether global warming is actually happening.

She was giving a preview of an interview with David Dilley, who just said "Global warming is over. ... It's global cooling now." He's now talking about overlapping cycles of global warming and how they relate to the Earth's gravity.

Perhaps this is why people don't trust the mainstream media. (And the 207 hosts didn't even ask the guy when the Arctic ice cap will begin to grow again, or when the Larsen B ice shelf will reappear!)

Now's your chance -  send WCSH 6 an e-mail ( and tell them to check their facts and accept reality. There is no debate - global warming is real, it's happening, and it's our fault. Period, the end. Anyone who says otherwise is at least wrong, and perhaps intentionally misleading. (Heavens, even the Bush Administration's EPA admits it exists!)

  • Fake Name said:

    Anyone who says there is no debate is wrong. There is a very robust debate about all aspects of global warming and I thought that journalists, above all, would be aware of this. But I guess not at The Phoenix.

    September 11, 2008 9:43 AM
  • Lee Nelson said:

    Consider the source.....C'mon don't get all upset.  Cindy is a washed up ex pageant queen who struggles to read a teleprompter.   She was obviously spouting mindless banter to indroduce a lame guest to a lame show.

    September 12, 2008 4:02 PM
  • Dave said:

    The Phoenix should get their facts straight before publishing an article. They didn't even get Mr. Dilley's current website correct, it has been for the past year.

    I have read his book, very enlightening.  He does not say global warming is not real.  Instead he talks about 2200 warming cycles and that the current cycle has now ended.

    The Phoenix needs to keep up with current affairs.

    September 18, 2008 6:12 PM

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