Free Herzog!
So here's the deal: you can spend $11 tomorrow and have your
mind and soul degraded by "Tooth Fairy" or "When in Rome." Or you can watch Werner Herzog's new
movie for free, which is screening as part of Gerald Peary's Cinematheque
program at Boston
I'd opt for the second alternative, myself. "My Son, My Son, What
Have Ye Done?"
is reputed to be even weirder than "Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans."
It's the true-ish story of a guy who is inspired to murder his mother after
playing Orestes in a production of Sophocles "Electra."
Sound a bit stuffy? Bear in mind that it's co-produced by David
Lynch. That it stars Willem Dafoe, last
seen being abused in Lars Von Trier's "Anitichrist." Freaky Brad Dourif is also
in it. And if that doesn't convince you, I have two words: Udo Kier.
But, you're saying, when I watch these Herzog movies I can't
figure out what the heck is going on. They seem like crazy talk and nightmares.
Fair enough. To deal with that problem Gerry has invited Herb Golder to handle
your questions. Not only is he a B.U. classics professor, he's the co-screenwriter
(with Herzog) of the film. And while he's trying to make sense of "My Son"
maybe he'll be able to help explain what's with the iguanas in "Bad
Lieutenant," too.
It's tomorrow, Friday January 29, at 7 pm at the BU Communications Building, 640 Comm. Ave, Boston.
Remember : it's FREE.
See ye there.