
See these films: Belle de jour and Repulsion at the Brattle


Catherine Deneuve didn't start getting kinky with The Hunger - not after having worked with Luis Buñuel and Roman Polanski. Buñuel guides her through the exquisitely twisted Belle de jour (1967), in which she plays a gelid bourgeois housewife who works at a bordello as a hobby. Polanski shows her the ropes in Repulsion (1965), perhaps the most horrible and seductive version of Home Alone ever made. Both are part of the "Belle Toujours" Deneuve retrospective ongoing at the Brattle Theatre, 40 Brattle St, Cambridge | Wednesday, March 23 | Repulsion @ 5:15 + 9:45 pm; Belle de Jour @ 7:30 pm | $9.75; $7.75 students; $6.75 seniors | 617.876.6837 or 

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