
See these films: "Boston Cinema Census" at the Brattle

"The Final Sentence"

This would seem to be a good day to go to the movies. For 10 years, Central Productions has presented the best in local film in its Boston Cinema Census, and this year's selection looks like one of the best. Among the shorts being screened are Kevin McCarthy's ambitious "66/20-23," which plays audio of a conversation taking place on the title bus over broadcasts from the title cable channels, and J.P. DiSciscio's "The Final Sentence," a Stephen King-sounding scenario about a writer isolated in a cabin struggling to finish his novel while menacing creatures lurk outside. That's at the Brattle Theatre, 40 Brattle St, Cambridge | Thursday, March 24 @ 7:30 pm | $11; $10 students, seniors | 617.876.6837 or
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