
See this film: The Birds at the Coolidge

Not knowing why the avian hordes attack might be the scariest thing in Alfred Hitchcock's diabolical The Birds (1963). Is it the sexual tension Rod Taylor's character brought to the sleepy seaside town? Is it Tippi Hedren's flawless hairdo? On the other hand, perhaps knowing why would be far more terrifying. The Coolidge Corner Theatre's "Science on Screen" series brings Dr. Theodore Stankowich, a teaching fellow in the Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology at Harvard, to shed some light on the subject . . . and perhaps intensify the pleasure of this horror classic. The Coolidge is at 290 Harvard St, Brookline | Monday, April 25 @ 7:30 pm | $9; $7 students, seniors | 617.734.2501 or
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