See this film: North By Northwest at the Brattle

Alfred Hitchcock's North
By Northwest (1959) has no shortage of iconic moments:
Cary Grant's Roger O. Thornhill chased through a cornfield by a crop-dusting
plane; the harrowing struggle on Mt. Rushmore; Thornhill's drunken downhill
drive with no brakes. So when you watch it this time around you might focus on
the less heralded moments, like Eva Maria Saint's femme fatale, in a train's
dining car, describing her trout as "trouty, but still good." It's at the
Brattle Theatre, 40 Brattle St, Cambridge | Tuesday, August 2 @ 2:30 pm and 7:30 pm | $10; $8
students, seniors | 617.876.6837 or