
Atoosa Rubenstein quits Seventeen Magazine


Seventeen EIC Atoosa Rubenstein is leaving the girlie rag to "launch her own teen-centered Web business, write a book and start a consulting firm specializing in the youth market."

We don't mourn her departure, seeing as we stopped reading Seventeen when we were 13, and realized that life would never been as bubble gum sweet as its editors kept saying it could be. We thumbed through a recent issue in CVS -- with Lauren "LC" Conrad on the cover -- and aside from her juicy insider tidbits about her relationship with Jason, nothing wowed us. Not the fashion. Not the rest of the features. In fact, we were completely turned off by the voice, supposedly one of its biggest strengths. Does talking like a self-entitled adolscent therapist, with a pip-squeaky, pep-talking OMG YOU CAN DO IT tone really come off as accessible to teen girls? Really, it shouldn't.

Alternative suggestion?

Read JANE. Yeah, we know it isn't Sassy. But since Brandon Holley took over, we've been hardcore loving on it. Except for that whole get the virgin laid blog. That shit's just sad.

Anyway, go read the JANE editors' ridiculously useful fashion tips on the Dress & Primp blog. But don't do it because you have to. Do it because you know you really you want to.


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