In the Mix: "Throwed"; Justice; Disco D; Mark Ronson

Temporary detour: tonight's "THROWED" has been moved from Harpers Ferry down the block to Great Scott. It'll be back at Harpers' next month, supposedly with Andrew WK headlining. We'll say it again: "Throwed" next month with AWK at Harpers. Now back to this month. Back to tonight. Back to E-Marce, Redd Foxx and our dude David Day. We've got our own Mickey Mouse boner for E-Marce's new BAWSTON ELECTRO-SHOCK MIX which has been getting us from here to there for the past couple days with new Teki, that ridonculous Guns N Bombs remix of the Teenagers' "Homecoming", and lots of laser-tag disco mayhem. The boy E-Marce has also gone official with a remix of next Bravery next big thing Dangerous Muse's "The Rejection." Arms up: just dance.
DOWNLOAD: E-Marce, "Bawston Electro Shock Mix" (mp3) [TRACKLIST]
DOWNLOAD: Dangerous Muse, "The Rejection (E-Marce Remix)" (mp3)
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