
Comic Con '07: Lost and Heroes games


Ah, officially-licensed video games of TV shows. Are they ever good? We're straining to think of the last good one (DuckTales?) Anyway, the folks over at Ubisoft obviously have no qualms about such endeavors: they've already announced they'll be releasing two TV tie-ins within the next few months based on Lost and Heroes. They're good shows and everything, but we're going to guess these games will both be bad, kind of like this mediocrity. Oh, and don't even talk to us about this, which we're assuming will be a horror-filled atrocity.

But hey, guys, Beowulf! Paramount showed 20 minutes of clips, including the trailer that somehow isn't up on YouTube yet. When it is, maybe we'll post it.

Anyway, tomorrow at Comic Con - Neil Gaiman and Zach Snyder. For more coverage, try or good old Ain't It Cool News.
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