Start your wallets: Xbox 360 price drops

Microsoft officially announced what we've been expecting all along:
the 360 will be getting a $50 price cut across the board on all models starting tomorrow. The standard model will now check in at $349 with the "elite" model setting you back $449.
Makes sense that Microsoft would do this now: there are some amazing-looking games coming in the next few weeks and months, including
Halo 3,
Rock Band,
Bio Shock,
Blue Dragon,
Assassin's Creed,
Guitar Hero 3,
Mass Effect,
Lost Odyssey,
Half-Life 2: The Orange Box... you get the idea: lots of games with greatness potential.
So, of course, Microsoft's press released focused on
The fact that we have been able to keep our launch price longer than
any other console while retaining our leadership position demonstrates
that consumers believe in the value of Xbox 360," said Mitch Koch,
corporate vice president, Global Retail Sales and Marketing Group,
Entertainment and Devices Division at Microsoft.. "On the eve of the
best holiday games lineup ever and the launch of 'Madden NFL 08,' there
has never been a better time to jump into Xbox 360.
Admittedly, yes,
Madden is
the top-selling game every year. But it just drives us nuts that more people don't actively reject this game when all it amounts to is a roster upgrade with some
incredibly stupid bells and whistles that
don't enhance the experience in any way shape or form. Remember this?