Hillary Clinton: The next Rocky?

First she tried to market the image of herself as a fearless first-lady-caught-in the-line-of fire with her exaggerated claims of narrowly missing sniper fire while on a visit to Bosnia in 1996, but now she’s trying to dupe the public into thinking she possesses the same die-hard, give-it-your-all, not-going-down-without-a-fight personality as…Rocky Balboa? In her most recent public appearance, Senator Clinton compared herself to the legendary Sylvester Stallone character in a speech given to the AFL-CIO in Philadelphia today. "When it comes to finishing the fight, Rocky and I have a lot in common. I never quit. I never give up. And neither do the American people.” Couldn’t she have picked a better person to compare herself to? Did she wake up and say, “Screw every other politician who gets compared to JFK and FDR. I’m going to compare myself to Rocky Balboa!” I wonder if she knows that Stallone is currently backing McCain.
― Stacey Gallotta