
Video: first look behind the ICA Boston's "Damian Ortega: Do It Yourself"


Tomorrow the Institute of Contemporary Art Boston opens its latest blockbuster, "Damian Ortega: Do It Yourself." It is, in the words of our own Greg Cook, a "survey of work by a former political cartoonist whose sculptures — like a tin space capsule and mobile victory obelisk — often address political and social themes from his native Mexico. He's best known for a sculpture exhibited at the 2003 Venice Biennale in which he dissected a Volkswagen Beetle and suspended the parts in mid air — it resembles a 3-D assembly diagram or a special effect frozen in mid explosion."

For a close-up look at the exhibit -- and the man behind it -- click on the video above to see the ICA's brain-melting trailer for the show. And stay tuned for our review, coming next week. 

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