
Meet the Mayor: Sapori di Napoli


Welcome to "Meet the Mayor," a segment in which we interview local Foursquare Mayors in their natural habitats.

Sapori di Napoli
Angela Christoforos

What's up with Sapori di Napoli?

They sell gelato, but they sell breakfast items, too. I used to get their iced coffee all the time. I actually lived in the North End for four years. Every day on my walk to school and work, I walked by Sapori. They have great iced coffee.

Was the end of Jersey Shore a good thing for Italian-Americans, or the best thing that's ever happened to Italian-Americans?
The whole Jersey Shore thing? Not all Italian-Americans are like that. Especially in the North End, most Italians are known for their strong work ethic and being family-oriented. But it's show business, and that's what get the ratings.

Were you shocked to find out that Snooki saved her money because -- contrary to what we believed -- she's smart enough to know she won't be famous next year?
To be honest, I'm kind of surprised, but now that she's had a baby, it seems like she's come into her own and passed her partying phase. It seems like she's turned a new leaf. I'm surprised, but then again I'm not surprised. Good for her.

Least favorite cast member?
The Situation. He thought he was all that, but he really wasn't.

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