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October 26, 2006

back from southwest

 We are just back from a tour of the canyons of the Southwest w/various Dai members and it was astonishing. But as Mr. Dai noted, re: wide, open spaces, you can see how Dubya and Deadeye Dick have a less-than-reverential attitude towards environmental issues. Both come from terrains notable for undeveloped and frankly undevelopable space, short on water and other resources. So why NOT exploit the hell out of it. All I have to say is thank god for TR (early Scorpio, born 10/27!) for inaugurating our National Parks and setting aside tons of land. We explored North and South rim of Grand Canyon, Antelope Canyon and Zion. As a former geology student, it was totally brilliant and amazing to see a nightsky slightly different from this one.

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by Importer | with 2 comment(s)
October 14, 2006

stressed-out cardinal signs

Are you a stressed out cardinal sign? This multiple-planets in Libra is a bit much to take. Who's being forced into a corner?

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by Importer | with no comments
October 13, 2006

Friday the 13

There is lots of folklore about why this is considered a bad day, but for me, as a Libra, moon in Cancer days are always way too defensive. Thursday and Friday was all about this lunar phase and if you’re reading my other material on this site, you were, hopefully, forewarned.
In the course of my astrology research I read a ton of blogs, mostly by women and I’m ALWAYS amazed at how personally forthcoming people are about the minutia of their lives. This blog is really for you, the reader, to report on astrological observations and to get my take on it. As a 10th (11th??) generation New Englander on my father’s side, frankness isn’t really welcome. Although my whole professional life as a journalist has been spent listening to other people talk. It’s amazing what you can figure out by talking out loud, but more importantly, by listening. Some sun signs are predisposed to listen more carefully than others, but even with an earth/fire sign sun, if there’s an interesting water planetary placement, some sensitivity is indicated.
I’m in the process of trying to organize a terrifying number and variety of writing projects and figuring out a way to move everything along. I’m thinking I might have to do one at a time (which is what I do until I’m bored or another deadline comes along). I’m also wanting a sabbatical (not from this column – being a newspaper astrologer is a lifelong commitment – or could get me committed!). There’s just never enough time…
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by Importer | with no comments
October 10, 2006

Pluto question

Ok this may sound silly, but what about Pluto being "downgraded." What does that mean for us Scorpios? Do we go back to being ruled by Mars or should I just start being astrologically automonomous?


Stymied Scorpio

Hi SS –

I responded to this in September, and my take on this is this: whatever works. Right now, Pluto at 24 Sagittarius is monkeying with people born on or around December 17 (e.g., flipping auto/self-destructo switch back and forth) or people with that degree of Sadge somewhere in their chart. So Scorps born just after the new moon could be feeling confused about how much they must discard to move forward emotionally (this is speaking generally, mind you, and taking Scorp. Sun/Sadge Moon into account). Scorpio as ruled by Mars makes more sense because sometimes Scorpio has a "by any means necessary" take on how the world should be. See what makes sense to you – we’ve only known about the poor little rock since 1930…

Pluto and fro

Poor Pluto. Poor Scorpio. I await the debate among my colleagues, re: Pluto’s possible astrological reclassification, but I'm still rooting for it. When it was discovered by Clyde Tombaugh in 1930, astrologers realized that they could divide up Mars’ two signs (Aries and Scorpio). Scorpio was the obvious choice for Pluto and put a darker spin on Scorpionic preoccupations. (We still have four planets that share rulers: Taurus and Libra are both ruled by Venus and Gemini and Virgo are both ruled by Mercury). I’m still sorting out what I think – for years I took Pluto into account after everything else in a chart, but 9/11/01, which featured a 36-year Saturn/Pluto opposition prompted further thought. (The previous Saturn/Pluto opposition was in the mid-60s, when the Vietnam war ramped up). When I see Pluto conjunct another planet or planets in someone’s chart there are usually some self-destructive (or defeating) tendencies in that area. I guess we have to ask what Ptolomy or John Dee would have asked which is – does the planet’s movements illuminate motive and action? Personally, I find Pluto a sweet little striver that’s now, literally, left out in the cold. If you know anyone else around 76 years old, check on their health, why don’t you….

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by Importer | with no comments
October 08, 2006

apples, suspense

This full moon has been completely crazy, hasn’t it? I’m just grateful to have Mars ease up (though those of you having birthdays this week will be experiencing that object-of-others’-ire/desire thing). It’s a Taurus moon – time to shop. I have taken out-of-town friends apple-picking twice this week so have apples for everyone I know. And if you’re a fan of suspense thrillers, go see "Pack of Lies" here.

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by Importer | with 2 comment(s)
October 03, 2006

VOC resolutions...

I’m going to try to update more regularly, even when I have very little to say beyond Mars in Libra is focussing way too much attention on me lately. Hey – sign up for my classes! (see below)

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by Importer | with 1 comment(s)

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