New In The Phoenix -- High-Turnout Hopes Fading
In this week's issue of the Boston Phoenix -- in print tomorrow, online now -- I note that Boston political insiders are scaling back their expectations for high turnout in this year's municipal elections.
Early on, there was a lot of talk that the competitive mayoral race, combined with the residual effect of the Obama and Patrick elections, would generate very high voter numbers, both for the September preliminary, and the November general.
Now, folks I talk to are making much more modest projections. And the expected beneficiary of lower turnout, they believe, will be Mayor Menino.
Of course, after the campaigns kick-start after Labor Day, maybe I'll be writing that everyone's expecting huge turnout again. Remember, I'm never wrong; sometimes the facts are fickle. (Stupid facts!)
Here's the short piece:
Curb Your Enthusiasm: Hopes of big Boston Election Day turnout fade. Good news for Menino?
Also, please see the new Phoenix ediitorial, asking Deval Patrick and Charlie Baker for a substantive campaign worthy of the times.