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Brief Second Thoughts on Palin: Risky to the Point of Recklessness?

     To say that John McCain has thrown the dice by picking an untested unknown is an understatement. Which raises the question: Even if Sarah Palin does well, does this cause some voters to consider him a bit of a loose cannon? There can be a fine line between being a maverick and being a bit of a nut and with this choice, McCain runs a risk of coming very close to the line.

     This isn't to say she might not prove to be a masterful pick. But there's a way in which right now, Barack Obama looks like the more conventional, reassuring figure. That's not what McCain wants voters to think -- not now and especially not in November.

  • Scott R. said:

    What really terrifies me is the likelihood that Palin's positions will get the extreme right wing of the party moving. I mean, there are lots of one-issue wackos over there who would mobilize in full force to elect a monkey as long as it was a pro-life monkey, and won't give a hoot about experience, character or even ability.

    That said, if my fear comes true (and I really believe it will)it will be an excellent test of exactly how influential these extreme righties really are, and whether they possess the same oomph they have in the past, when they could make enough noise to get a morin like Bush elected.

    August 31, 2008 9:42 AM
  • LorenzoJennifer said:

    Response to Scott R . . . . . . Good one, kiddo!  Came across an entry from a reliable web site  that the evangelical Christian conservatives in the GOP gather under an umbrella called the Council for National Policy.  Reports are this wealthy and well-connected group simple adores Sarah and will likely start blowing horns, beating drums and writing checks with lots of zeroes on 'em for McCain. In selecting Sarah, McCain went from being loathed to loved by those looney tunes.  Not to feel distressed as ObamaNation has many members who are as dedicated to Barack being elected as the religious righties are to having Sarah elected Vice-President. As the Veep, she'd be in a position to influence McCain should he be the prez.

    September 2, 2008 12:16 PM
  • geof fbaker said:

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    October 18, 2008 9:09 PM

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