P2A sex-gore flop  November 14,
2007 12:26:24 PM
VIDEO: Watch the trailer for P2.
In most sex-gore fests, the filmmakers toss you a teaser up front where some chump or babe gets beheaded, impaled, or eviscerated. Not so in this kooky hack job (the brilliant title refers to a parking-garage level) from director Franck Khalfoun and writer/producer Alexandre Aja (Haute Tension). They get right into it. Angela (Rachel Nichols), an office grunt in a tony Park Avenue tower, is last to leave on Christmas Eve. But the parking attendant, Thomas (Wes Bentley), has the hots for her. So he abducts her, kills a few random others, and professes his love endlessly. Why he goes to such demonic extremes (why not a simple dinner date?) is never explained. Nonetheless, Bentley and Nichols (reminiscent of a younger Jodie Foster and crammed into a cleavage-busting gown) do wonders with a property otherwise as appealing as an empty parking garage on Christmas Eve. 98 minutes | Boston Common + Fenway + Fresh Pond + Suburbs

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A step ahead of the rest
A rich kid on the road to comeuppance
Ever shirtless, ever silly
Oodles of fun
Inadvertent camp
No pulse
A humorless turd
Righteous and garden-fresh
Silly confusion
Cheap and flimsy

- Unintentional laughs
- A step ahead of the rest
- Too many weird gimmicks
- Religious groups and the environment
- A rich kid on the road to comeuppance
- A shambling charmer
- Revisit one of the great films about the artistic process
- Seraphim in France
- Poignant enough
- An 88-minute flop