Related: A Dangerous Method,
Atom Egoyan,
Harvey Weinstein,
Jane Eyre,
Karl Rove,
Martin Scorsese,
Meryl Streep,
Michel Hazanavicius,
Michel Hazavinicius,
Michele Williams,
Of Gods and Men,
The Artist,
Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall Previous Lives,
Boston Phoenix
Top Tens, Bottom Fives, Part One
Published 12/23/2011 by Peter Keough
Once again my colleagues here have been kind enough to share their picks.More to follow. Gerald Peary Ten Best in Order: 1. A Dangerous Method...
Boston Phoenix
BSFC: Best Picture
Published 12/11/2011 by Peter Keough
After two rounds, it's "The Artist" by Michel Hazavicius. Runner up was "Hugo." "Margaret" was second runner-up, adding further justification to our statement of censure...