MP3: Boston's Rap Class of 2010: Urban Nerdz

It’s a slow, hot Sunday afternoon in Jamaica
Plain when I meet the Urban Nerdz by the Stony Brook station. Bouffard
Malory keeps jumping up and screaming at the sight of every passing
bumble bee; Kay Special alternates between sitting and standing every
few minutes; Ace BooGie casually places one leg in the air. It’s a
strange act, but the trio’s eclectic, semi-random, sometimes chaotic
collective demeanor is just what you’d expect from their moniker and
their music. “People always say our music is good, but it’s different,”
says Special, standing and looking down at me, “but that’s exactly what
we want — to be different.” Read More . . .
DOWNLOAD: Urban Nerdz, Koneechiwah (mp3)
Photos, Video,
Mp3s: Boston Rap's Class of 2010. By Erin Baldassari.