MP3: Boston's Rap Class of 2010: Ms. Sheek

If Sarah Palin is a bulldog with lipstick — or
whatever that moron called herself — Sheek is a rottweiler in heels
posing as a poodle. The girl’s girl from Dorchester may giggle between
songs, but when she barks, she barks big. Marking her territory all over
Boston, Sheek has performed in most of the major venues and earned
radio burn on all the local hip-hop stations. Come July, she’s severing
the Beantown leash with a 20-city East Coast “Stop the Violence” tour. Read More . . .
DOWNLOAD: Ms. Sheek, "She Can Get It (featuring Supastar)" (mp3)
Photos, Video,
Mp3s: Boston Rap's Class of 2010. By Erin Baldassari.