Deep Heaven Now II crashes Somerville

Yeah yeah, there's a hundred billion things going on this weekend, but there are just about a hundred billion bands playing the second Deep Heaven Now festival, which begins tonight at PAs Lounge and Precinct in Somerville and ends in a smoldering heap of psych rock early Sunday morning. Personally, I'm geeked way the fuck out on seeing the Vandelles (a personal fave), Night Fruit, Screen Vinyl Image and the reformed and as-of-press-time-still-not-yet-cancelled December Sound, which might experience a bit of a local resurgence now that brainchild Zach Sarzana has moved back to Boston from New York (oh, they always do, don’t they?).
Honestly, the whole Deep Heaven Now II sked is a beast -- don't sleep on MMOSS and Quilt this evening -- but there's really some face-melting shit going on tomorrow night from about 9 p.m. onward. Be warned. So yeah, the updated sked is posted above, and below is what we had to say this week's listings page. Of course, you can get reacquainted with the whole Deep Heaven concept with our Cellars by Starlight column back in August, when I talked to organizer Jinsen Liu of 28 Degrees Taurus and Chris Arn, a Deep Heaven OG from the late '90s.
From 8 Days A Week: In August, 28 Degrees Taurus’s Jinsen Liu resurrected the late-’90s Deep Heaven Now festival in Somerville. Some of us still have beautiful headaches from the musical bomb blasts of the Vandelles, Asteroid #4, and Doomstar. Now, in keeping with the original Deep Heaven idea of a semi-annual music festival, Liu has planned an even more ambitious Deep Heaven Now II. This installment stretches more than 25 bands — among them 28 Degrees Taurus, the December Sound, Night Fruit, Ghost Box Orchestra, and Dirty Dishes — out over two days and nights for another ambient psych-romp.